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Prevention And Treatment Of Acne
The ugly looking eruptions on your face that mar your beauty are nothing but acne. They can leave dark spots and marks on the skin and spoil your complexion. Acne marks usually cause an uneven skin tone. In this article, we shall throw light on the prevention and treatment methods of acne. Before we delve deeper, let us understand the different types of acne.
Types Of Acne
Cystic Acne This type of acne is the worst one and is very difficult to treat. The eruptions are big in size and nodular, they are hard to touch and leave marks. Cystic acne usually does not have a head; it looks reddish brown looks like a swelled node. It may require anti-biotic ointment and oral medicines for prevention and treatment.
Acne Vulgaris This type of acne usually occurs in cluster with heavy white discharge and pus. You may get a patch of acne on the cheeks, forehead, nose or chin. Sometimes, it may go down up to the neck and back too.
White heads and Pimples Pimples are milder than cystic acne and acne vulgaris. They are smaller and often settle within 2 to 3 days when treated with antibiotics. Prevention and treatment of this kind of acne is simple and easy.
Methods Of Treatment
There are several natural methods of treatment; however, cystic acne may require medication. Home remedies may or may not work on this type of acne since it is extremely difficult to cure. Nevertheless, other types of acne can benefit a lot from home care tips. Some of the common prevention and treatment methods are given below.
Tea tree oil This aromatherapy oil is a time tested remedy for treating acne. Dab a little tea tree oil on the acne and see it disappear within a day. The acne does not leave any marks or scars when treated with this oil. This aromatherapy oil has anti-septic property and is very effective for skin related infections.
Toothpaste In case of an emergency, use a mint based toothpaste to settle the pimple. The cooling effect of mint will settle your boil overnight and is certainly a quick fix way of treating acne.
Lime This anti-septic remedy is the best prevention and treatment method. Lime juice is known to be effective in skin and hair care. It prevents acne and also adds a glow to your skin.
Curd Curd has lactic acid and helps in gently treating the acne. It also has emollient properties so it does not cause excessive dryness.
Though these home remedies are effective, some conditions may require medical assistance. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist for the prevention and treatment of acne.
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to avoid their problem. Many types of acne so dont confuse to each others. For more visit us today how to
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