Al Sharpton speaks out on race, rights and what bothers him about his critics

Monday, December 3, 2007 At Thanksgiving dinner David Shankbone told his white middle class family that he was to interview Reverend Al Sharpton that Saturday. The announcement caused an impassioned discussion about the civil rights leader’s work, the problems facing the black community and whether Sharpton helps or hurts his cause. Opinion was divided. “He’s … Read more

Al Sharpton speaks out on race, rights and what bothers him about his critics

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RFID and the Supply Chain (part 1)

The management of supply chains is constantly developing due to momentous changes such as the Internet, E-commerce and the globalisation of supply chains. Its success often relies on rapid, accurate and efficient handling of data. The trend towards lean and agile distribution channels and the growth of Fourth Party Logistic Providers (4PLs) within the supply … Read moreRFID and the Supply Chain (part 1)

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Minimising Property Investment Risk

Property investment will always carry an element of risk. There are many uncontrollable factors which could influence the success or failure in property investment. With so many individuals eager to invest in property but concerned and unsure about taking on the considerable risk, is property investment a good option? Will property investment provide the returns … Read moreMinimising Property Investment Risk

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Granite Countertops vs Synthetic A Rock Tops Granite Report

One of the first things to decide on when you design your new kitchen is the type of countertop to choose. There are many types to choose from, including varieties of granite, marble and synthetic materials. There are many reasons why the growing trend today is granite. Click the link for particulars about kitchen showroom … Read moreGranite Countertops vs Synthetic A Rock Tops Granite Report

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ACLU President Strossen on religion, drugs, guns and impeaching George Bush

Tuesday, October 30, 2007File:Nadine Strossen 5 by David Shankbone.jpg There are few organizations in the United States that elicit a stronger emotional response than the American Civil Liberties Union, whose stated goal is “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of … Read more

ACLU President Strossen on religion, drugs, guns and impeaching George Bush

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The Top 5 Pilates Exercises To Get You Started!

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Commercial Gym Equipment Sydney Best Treadmills By Anita Pilates Breathing: Although simple – If you breath correctly, you will find it easy to relax and provide adequete oxygene to your muscles. You will notice the difference when you breathe correctly as it will enhance your overall experience. Breathing … Read moreThe Top 5 Pilates Exercises To Get You Started!

Four dead, at least 15 injured after gunman opens fire at fitness center in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 Four people have been shot and killed and at least 15 wounded when a gunman opened fire inside a LA Fitness center in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania. The gunman was among the dead. Reports say the man walked into a dance room where an all-female Latin dance class was in session, turned off … Read more

Four dead, at least 15 injured after gunman opens fire at fitness center in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania

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