How Important Is Angry Birds Control?

How important is Angry Birds Control?



Birds gobble up insect pests in the garden yet they also eat entire fruits and vegetables or pick at them, making them inedible or totally unattractive for the gardener’s table. Therefore, the focus of birds control in the garden is to protect plants or trees from bird predation through physical barriers or by employing methods that cause the potential bird goodies to be less appealing. Bushes, vines and small trees can be covered with bird netting, or ground crops with floating row covers. Scarecrows, artificial owls and snakes, mylar balloons with streamers, flashing lights, shiny pie plates and noisemakers such as portable radios can keep out the winged marauders if mounted on a fence or placed directly within or over the crop and relocated every few days.


While it s nice to have rows of flowers in the garden, it s not so nice to watch flocks of birds destroy your hard work. Without effective birds control, pest birds such as sparrows, swallows, pigeons and crows can and will invade yard or garden to feed themselves and their young. Blackbirds, starlings, and robins will waste no time yanking out tasty corn seedlings, or chewing into ripening cherries, peaches and blueberries. They also won t hesitate to crater lawn while they dig for bugs.

Even songbirds attack garden at various times of the year. These birds go after broccoli, corn, green peas, snap peas, apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, currants, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries and strawberries. There ll be a problem if patches of young seedlings completely disappear, or the tops of your young plants are chewed off, or if bites are taken out of the berries as they ripen.

Birds control refers to the various means of deterrent put in place to repel birds. While usually beautiful and pleasant, birds can in fact become a nuisance when they begin to leave unsanitary and unsightly droppings in yards and gardens where children might be playing. Other people find constant bird noise to be disturbing, especially with bird species that are prone to noisy fighting and grating, shrill calls. While maintaining a home garden, bird repellent can help to keep pesky birds from eating the fruits. Many birds flock to eat freshly laid grass seed before it can take root, making bird repellent necessary in order to rejuvenate a dying lawn. More serious cases of intolerable bird nuisance include complications to aviation – most major airports have some means of bird repellent in place to prevent flocks of large birds coming into contact with airplanes that are taking off or landing.

Author is an executive with the bird control organization. For more information on the topic visit the website:

Bird control

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