10 Aries Man Dating Tips

By A. Baker

Aries is a zodiac sign for any person who was born any day between 21st March and 20th April. All people sharing this zodiac sign has similar temperaments and things we can identify them with. When an Aries man wants to date, he should consider what best describes him and choose a mate through these lines. Below are a few of Aries man dating tips that if followed well, will ensure a fulfilling dating life for the Aries man.

The first of Aries man dating tips is for him to find an independent and witty woman since he likes people who flatter his ego. The woman an Aries man chooses should be one that does not exaggerate this because this might have the opposite effect. Next in the Aries man dating tips, which is very important, is to find a woman who lets the Aries man win because Aries men love winning. The woman that an Aries dates should be wise enough to let the man take the first step, although this rule is not cast in stone.

The third tip is for an Aries out to date is to search for a woman who caresses his head, touches his lips, etc, but one who does not lead him on because Aries men do not take too kindly to being told no. Coming in fourth for the Aries man dating tips is that he should be on the lookout for a woman who is as enthusiastic and straightforward as he is when it comes to matters of sex. Because the Aries man is full of energy in sexual matters, the woman he chooses to date should be able to supply the fantasy and imagination that the Aries man needs.


The fifth of the Aries man dating tips is the woman he dates should also be into love at first sight and a woman who lives for the moment so as to be compatible with the man. An Aries man should choose a woman who is what he dreams about in a woman because if he does not do so, he will never get satisfaction with whoever he settles for.

The sixth tip is that the Aries man should look for an understanding woman who will understand him when his passion goes to waste. This is because he falls in and out of love very easily and quickly and so the woman should read him and give him space.

The seventh of the Aries man dating tips is strong and viciously independent so as not to bore the Aries man because they love challenging and difficult goals. The woman should be exciting so as to prevent boredom which the Aries man hates.

The eighth tip for the Aries man is to find rather submissive women who will sooth their ego because the Aries man is traditionally associated with masculinity.

The ninth tip is for the Aries man to only go for women who are not emotionally selfish, especially in matters of sex and passion. Finally, the last of the Aries man dating tips is to make sure he gets over flings first before deciding on a serious relationship because Aries men love fun flings.

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