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Plastic surgery is branch of medical specialty and basically involves correction or reformation of your skin. In many ways plastic surgeons have given a life to many peoples. Plastic surgery is a vast term and includes many types of surgeries, including plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Plastic surgery roots have been found even in 700 B.C. Since ancient times plastic surgeons are practicing it. Burns and traumas can be treated with this and many soldiers have benefit from surgery.
Reconstructive plastic surgery is one major type of plastic surgery. Reconstructive surgery covers a wide area of correction of functional impairment that is caused as a result of traumatic injuries or burns, infection or diseases, breaks and fracture. It also covers cleft lips or cleft palates and treatment of tumors as well as cancer treatment. List is too long that it cannot be covered up here.
The main topic I m going to discuss with you after a long time of research is cosmetic surgery. It s most widely used and percentage of people going through this surgery is increasing very day. Cosmetic surgery deals with enhancement or reshaping of your skin. Its main purpose is to enhance the beauty above average level. It is totally different than reconstructive surgery as it involves maintenance of normal appearance.
The stats of population going through cosmetic surgery have reached in million figure and very close in going beyond millions. Every second person is somehow is turning to plastic surgery.
You can see plastic surgeon marketing their ads in every newspapers about cosmetic surgery marketing and after this topic is highlighted on social media event biggest stars from all over world including Hollywood star have turned to cosmetic procedures. In fact it s a secret why my Hollywood actress looks younger even at age of 50 years or above.
We will here discuss some major cosmetic surgery procedures;
Abdominoplasty in common language we pronounce it as tummy tuck. The number of persons turned this is much more than any other type.
Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery. Majority of people turned to this in desire to look beautiful and majority of stars are gone through it.
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery used to make eyelid pretty and in Asia region it is used as a permanent eye liner.
Chin augmentation involves reshaping your chin to its perfection and reducing or increasing size of chin
Orthognathic Surgery is a complex surgery done in severe condition for operation of the facial bones in a very precise controlled fracturing way.
Cheek augmentation refers to implantation of your cheeks mostly people desire to have a dimple on their cheek to look attractive
Lip enhancement: as you now refer to lips reshaping, sometime lifting up upper lip to look younger
Filling injections is a very simple procedure. It involves filling your tissue in most cases your face, by use of fat or other liquid like collagen.
Mostly people in old age turn to this type of surgery
Laser Skin treatment reduces depth of your facial pores
Liposuction as you now everyone is familiar with this term involves reducing of fat from various parts of your body to reduce your weight. People tired up for weight loose final turn to this as there last hope.
Brachioplasty usually termed as arm lift is like liposuction. It involves reducing excess fat and tissue of your skin between your elbow and under arm. These are one of few common type of cosmetic surgeries.
It might help those who want to turn for any of this surgery. Now its own you whether you want to join or not the millions who are already going through this and waiting for their number in huge list of
Cosmetic Surgery Marketing
Plastic Surgeon Marketing
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