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How to Commit to Yourself
Albert Mensah
Commitment it s a word that symbolizes something very important to some, and yet is a word denoting fear for many others. When you commit to another person you give your heart, body and soul to them. However, as vivid a thing as commitment in relationships can be, when it comes to making commitment to one s self, there is always hesitation.
Some of us today either avoid committing ourselves to a task, while others make commitments that they eventually break. Why is it that we can commit to another person, but rarely to ourselves. The problem may be in a lack of confidence.
In order to change your life you must be able to commit to yourself and commit to your projects and goals 100% in body, spirit and mind. If there is any resistance somewhere in your conscious or unconscious thoughts then you will not succeed. Focus on achieving goals that you are passionate about and that you believe are within your capabilities.
Once you decide who you want to be, then commit to yourself. Be yourself, believe in yourself and trust yourself. You must learn to love yourself and accept the fact that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. What you have to fight against are the negative thoughts that say you cannot achieve anything. The same negative voices are the ones that tell you that you lack skills; that you are out of your league. These voices could be coming from anyone, from family members or even the voice of the national media who promote stereotypes and inhuman perfection.
Your primary battle will be with yourself, however. You may be tempted to give up your mission. You may feel discouraged and want to quit. This is exactly when your commitment comes in. If you are committed to something you do not back down. If you are tempted with infidelity in a relationship, you resist because of the commitment.
Why can t we have the same commitment towards our goals? If you could learn to love yourself as much as you love a spouse or a child, then you would have far more opportunities to succeed. You would expect more of yourself and trust yourself, thus providing opportunity for higher achievements.
Above all, remember this: there are opportunities everywhere you look. Opportunities always exist in front of you, even though they are sometimes cloaked by obstacles. If you remain committed to yourself, you can look past the obstacles these superficial and peripheral threats and see your happy future.
Albert Mensah is a Certified Speaking Professional. Originally from the impoverished African nation of Ghana, Albert travels the country speaking, motivating and inspiring. He has performed as a keynote speaker for companies including Allstate Insurance, Starbucks, Nordstrom, Boeing, John Deere Corporation, Wells Fargo and more. Visit AlbertMensah.com to learn more.
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How to Commit to Yourself